Thursday, September 5, 2013

My Template Choice

After much thought (believe it or not), It Bloggles The Mind was as witty a blog title I could come up with. My template choice quite simply is one that screams "mind-bloggling" in my opinion. I went with a Picture Window template with this funky circular abstract background. It is indistinct and intangible. It is intriguing and vibrant, but it's too fuzzy and obscure to really explore it to any great extent. 

That, in essence, is my outlook on social media for the purpose of business. I use Facebook and Instagram to keep in touch with family and to express my opinions and share humorous anecdotes and pictures with my friends, but the idea of using it for growing a business is a concept that is just as murky as the template background. There could be something significant and powerful in there, but who has the time to dedicate to studying it? Well, I am making the time, and putting in the effort to clear the muddy waters. I know it can be a lucrative business practice, and it’s worth taking the time to learn this newer, smarter form of marketing. 

In addition to the background image, I adjusted the layout so that the main text is more centered. I also altered the blog and sidebar widths slightly to allow more room for the content. Lastly, I changed the default font colors of some of the fields to better match the background image. I went with the default Arial font simply because I like it. I thought about doing something a little cryptic, but I didn’t want to over-bloggle people’s minds. :)
So there it is: the first entry to my first blog. I can’t wait to see some of my classmates’ blogs and their choices in backgrounds and layouts as well as the content. I’m looking forward to a great semester. I know I am going to learn a lot.

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