Tuesday, December 3, 2013

More Social Strategy

Being a small, family business of 2 – 3 employees, Seaside Family Services cannot employ a marketing strategy that requires a ton of time or financial resources. Most likely, I will continue to act as the admin for the business until I can get my wife trained and prepared to take over the social media platforms currently in place. Facebook, besides being the most popular outlet and the one I have enjoyed using the most, is the one that is most manageable, so that platform will constitute most of my social media endeavors. I also plan to integrate a blog and newsletters into my strategy. I have not done much with my business Instagram page, but I plan to incorporate this as well. Perhaps a hashtag photo contest

I plan to post approximately 2 to 3 times per month so as to keep followers involved but not annoyed. I will post seasonal items as well as pertinent information as it arises, such as tax deadlines, new tax laws or immigration updates. Since my company does not have a website, my blog will contain most of the information I want my followers to know. Some of my Facebook posts and newsletters will contain links that point to appropriate blog post. Additionally, if I mention a term or topic that I have posted about previously, I can create a hyperlink on the text and have it lead to the past post. I have to admit, I was initially hesitant about the idea of a blog, but my business’s lack of a website lends well to blogging.

Keeping an eye on Yelp reviews is also going to be a key part of my marketing strategy. Keeping this on my radar will give me key insights as to clients’ satisfaction.  Lastly, I need to obtain access to the Google Maps account for my business. There is inaccurate information on the location listing, and I want our clients to be able to find us.

Twitter, Google+ and Groupon, although they can be great marketing devises, I don’t feel are right for my business. I feel Twitter is more for well-established, big businesses with a following. That is far from what we are. Google+ could possibly work for my business, but quite frankly, there is too much for my wife to do on a day-to-day basis at work to take on and manage a second email account and a second social network. Since I have more experience and expertise with Facebook, I feel my efforts are better spent focused there. Although I know that a Groupon deal can give a business a big boost, I don’t think it’s right for us either. Our prices are already very economical. An attractive Groupon deal would not be cost-effective for us.

The platforms I have used have been effective so far. The true test will come around tax season. At that time, we will see if my efforts have resulted in more people in the door.


  1. Have you considered using a program such as Hootsuite or other social media scheduling software to schedule future posts? I find Tweetdeck invaluable on Twitter. I understand your reservations about Twitter but small businesses succeed on Twitter as well. In marketing we use a redundancy technique to cross-promote across different channels. Even if its mentioning the same article again. Honestly Twitter is just like any other tool out there on the web, Also, I noticed you didn't have a strategy for Google Local. You don't have to have a presence on G+ to register with Google Local. For the carpet cleaning business I work for, we get a lot of people referred just by that.

  2. Duly noted, Robert. I'll look into Google Local. Thanks for the input.

  3. I do think Facebook, Yelp, and blogging are your best resources to utilize. With a business as small as yours does Groupon offer deals for such? I actually forgot about using Google Maps, that is good idea. Considering your business type, I think posting two to three times a month on Facebook is reasonable. Great job! It's been a pleasure communicating with you this semester, and I hope your business prospers furthermore!

  4. Hi Manuel,
    I have enjoyed your blogs!
    I apologize in advance for my directness (I am Australian). One thing I noted is that you are doing all the social media "until I can get my wife trained and prepared to take over the social media platforms...." My concern would be - is she really wanting to do that? Will she enjoy it? It is sometimes hard enough for me who loves my business and loves to write to sit down and contemplate what to post. I believe that in planning a social media strategy a vital consideration is the person who will be implementing it long-term.
    Good luck with obtaining the Google Maps location! That's a bummer. Great suggestion from Robert about Google Local for you. And I would probably consider Hootsuite or similar - it would definitely make it easier for your wife.

  5. I think your on the right track Manuel. I was recently looking to hire a new company for my financial/tax services and Yelp was the first place I looked. You may want to put some focus into expanding there as well! Goodluck!
