Saturday, November 23, 2013

Most Beneficial Google Analytics

After reviewing the Google Analytics for my business blog, I have determined the most beneficial analytics tools for my business page:

The Demographics section under Audience will be especially enlightening. Within this feature, I can get a snapshot of the people who are viewing my page. If I know my audience, I can better formulate my social media posts and advertising. I can see the age and gender demographics as well as interest category. I can find out what my viewers are interested in and adjust accordingly.

Under Geo, I can see the language and locations of my audience. This can definitely provide some illumination as to who is interested in my services. There may be a key demographic in my area that I am failing to tend to. For example, there may be Canadians in the region looking for immigration help, but I am focusing my efforts on the Hispanic population. Although I would maintain my focus on the most obvious population, I might occasionally put out some advertising or posts that deal with Canadian issues.

Audience>Behavior>Engagement will also likely act as a gauge as to the success of my efforts. If page viewers are only staying on my page for 0-10 seconds, I'm clearly not engaging my audience. That would be a clear indication that my content needs some freshening up.

Lastly, the Aquisition section I found to be enlightening. Here, you can see how people arrived at your page. Did people access it from a google search? Did they have the URL? Did they use a link from another page? Which page? The answers to these questions can give you a good idea of where to focus your advertising efforts as well as give insight as to other topics your audience is interested in.

There are lots of other insightful gadgets within the Google Analytics reports, many of which would be useful for other businesses, but I feel these are the ones that would be best utilized in my particular business.


  1. Absolutely, if you are going to invest any time or money into social media, the tool that shows you how many of the social sites referred traffic, is key.

  2. I agree that traffic sources are important information to know but I personally favor the Content Reports that help you identify the top content, content by title, and content drilldown so you can interpret the kind of content that increases traffic from those sources and maybe target ads for those types of articles.
