Sunday, October 13, 2013

Scheduled Content

I have three scheduled Facebook posts in place on my wife's business page for the coming months. In an attempt to get more people engaged and thinking about tax time, the following posts have been scheduled at significant dates and times. 

The first post scheduled for later this month, is one that will hopefully spark engagement and more likes. This post is a tax poll with an incentive to comment, like, and share- a Starbucks gift card. Hopefully, this increased engagement will improve the reach of my future posts.

Additionally, I recently created a graphic with interesting tax statistics that I found online. This post will go out on November 1st, hopefully getting people thinking about tax time, perhaps at a time when it is furthest from their minds.

Lastly, on December 21st, the first day of winter, a post will go out, not reminding them about tax time (although that post will undoubtedly go out too), but just an interesting factoid about the city of Oceanside, where most of my likers reside. 

All three of these posts have an engaging question within the post, something I think my previous posts on this page have lacked. I will be posting other pertinent information as issues or dates arise, but I think these three will help improve my reach and get clients and potential clients thinking about tax time earlier.

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