Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Facebook Insights: Post Reach vs Post Engagement

Although closely related, The Post Reach and Post Engagement features of the Facebook Insights tool are quite different. The Post Reach simply tells the user how many people have seen the post in their newsfeeds. The Post Engagement tells you how many people are interacting with your content, meaning how many post, likes, shares, comments, or clicks anywhere on the post. What marks the success of a post better than ever is the ratio of these two (the latter to the former): the Engagement Rate.

This rate conveys the fraction of your audience that is engaged with your posts, thus indicating the quality of your content. It is important to keep track of all of these because if a post is reaching a fairly large amount of people, but not engaging the readers, Facebook’s news feed algorithm marks it as low quality. Too many low quality posts mean less chance of your posts appearing in your fans News Feed in the future.

In addition, regular review of these metrics help you understand what content your fans are most receptive to and then you can work on creating quality content that your audience will engage in.

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