Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Let's Get Personal

This week’s lecture and reading have revealed that going personal with your business blog (like many other concepts in social media) truly depends on the type of business. In the case of my wife’s business, a family operation with clients who are like family, you can get away with getting personal, although since she is dealing with sensitive issues like taxes and immigration, professionalism is also of the utmost importance. Additionally, potential clients do not yet have that personal relationship with the business, so something too personal might come off negatively. As with all posts, tact and careful thought must be utilized. 

When blogging for a professional services business, I believe providing accurate information is a must, while showing personality is equally important, as taxes and immigration are not the most interesting of subjects. A little humor and personal touch can go a long way. Since potential clients will entrust you with their personal and/or financial affairs, they have to be able to have confidence in your abilities and/or knowledge as well as connect with you otherwise they will go elsewhere. Personality has a place in every post, but coming across as professional and knowledgeable is tremendously important as well.


  1. Interesting. I think your last sentence is a really great way to put it "Personality has a place in every post, but coming across as professional and knowledgeable is tremendously important as well." This holds a lot of truth in almost every business. I also think that in something like taxes etc, if one does not find your personality stimulating, friendly etc they can easily be turned off and seek someone else to do the job. So I definitely agree with you there

  2. Hi Manuel,
    I agree with you that clients must have confidence in your expertise but I do believe that you can present yourself as professional while showing your personality. Personality does not always translate as being personal. Enjoyed your post, Thanks!

  3. Manuel, this is a thoughtful and thought provoking post! It takes skill or intuition and judgement to walk that fine line between pure business and showing a personal side. I think a lot does depend on how well you know your client . and in a blog clients may be meeting you for the first time.

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  5. I have to agree with those above, that your sentence "Personality has a place in every post, but coming across as professional and knowledgeable is tremendously important as well." This is especially true with a business such as your wife's. Taxes are very personal, but I know that I would like to know a little about my tax preparer's background (and if they have a sense of humor), but I would also like to know that the person is on top of the latest laws and regulations.
